The night has come was her first animation work. The artist, using new amazing technique and introducing novelties in animation view and art- experimenting and using arena technique- tries to explain us a simple message: The night is indivisible, it is same for all, but it is different for each: for a boy in a dark room; for a man who live next door; for a cat on window-sill.

With Sarah's Tale, looking for a different way to tell a universal story, and finding a new picture and image in animation, with amazing drawings and worked background into a black and white production, Svetlana says in the tagline: The rule of the universe: the tree should be planted in order for it to grow; the snow should be cleaned so that spring can come; to find something new, the old one must be lost.
How many times do you have to lose love before you loose yourself? And what does this mean if you are a poet? And in case of a poet within Russian Revolution?
A film with Russian archive material of 1920th - 1930th and modern animation.
That's the matter of Three love stories, the incredible historic tale featured, drawed, animated and created by Svetlana.
Larisa Maliukova wrote about her in the article Russian animation today:
hola!bellisimos los cortos de Svetlana !, me encantaria poder contactarla porque hacemos un Festival en nuestra ciudad Rosario, Argentina que se llama "hecho x mujeres" y queremos que nos autorice a proyectar algo de sus trabajos, tienen alguna forma de contactarla?
ResponderEliminargracias!les dejo el link del festival por si a alguien el interesa participar , ahi están las bases.