Rastko Ciric has directed and created this animation to give and offer a special tribute to animation creations and the oldness of this art. To share this experience with us, the author reach a nice mix between 2D and 3D, getting flahsbacks to 1908 and fast-forwads to 2008!
Rastko Ciric was born in 1955 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (now Serbia). He has graduated and finished Third Degree studies from the Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts, Belgrade.
He has made lots of animated films: The Circus Departs (1982); Stop (1983); It's Not Whether You Win or Lose (1984); Tango Ragtime (1985, Dunav Film); The Tower of Bababel (1988, Zagreb Film); Ogres and Bogies (1989, Avala film); Farty (1993); Light in A-Major (1995); Invisible and Poorly Visible Animal Species (1998, Dunav Film); Magician (1999); Wanted (2001); All Together on the Wireless Machine (2004); Metamorph (2005, Rastko Ciric & BS Group)
And also, he has won lots of awards for animation: Munich 1982; Zagreb 1988; Ottawa 1988; Belgrade 1989; Titograd 1989; Belgrade 1993, Belgrade 1989; Golden Knight, Kiev, Ukraine, 1998; Belgrade, 1999; Grand-Prix, Cacak 1999; Belgrade 2005, Grand-Prix, Cacak 2005, Grand-Prix, Belgrade 2006, Moscow 2006, Hiroshima 2006
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