This animator has more than ten animations and he has featured in Animacam, five of them! His fi

Meinardas presents his relationship and fascination with animal in Fishys, and show us a colourfull and powefull oceanworld, introduced by a acuatic swimmer and dancer pengüin. Now, after land and sea, let's go

After different animal lifes, let's play with cubes, squares, triangules... Geometry could be a game when you can build, create and imagine all the forms and things, created with your own head. Everything in The little cube adventure!
And now, let's get some fun! With the funny and nice song: Beer, beer, beer. Meinardas creates this video because he likes the song, but it's not an official video. He knows how to take the right rythm and post the pictures and movements sincronized with the music...
We are proud to feature this young and great Lithuan animator in Animacam!
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